Harrogate LTD Zambia: The Uses of Chromite and Chromium

Harrogate LTD Zambia
2 min readMay 11, 2021
Harrogate LTD Zambia

What is chromite?

Harrogate LTD Zambia describes chromite as a mineral found predominantly in southern Africa and Zimbabwe. Once it’s mined and beneficiated (refined during the mining process), it becomes chromium. Chromium is a hard metallic element that is currently used for making a variety of everyday household items, including stainless steel.

Chromite is mined in over 20 countries worldwide, but more than 80% of world production comes from just four countries, South Africa, India, Turkey and Kazakhstan. South Africa mined more than 16 million metric tons of chromite in 2020.1

What manufactured items utilize chromium?

Chromium’s name comes from the Greek word “chroma” meaning color, which a very appropriate name for it. When chromium is mixed with different elements, it can create different colors. It can mix with lead to create a yellow coloring found in paint. When it’s mixed with oxygen, it makes green and it can be mixed into glass to create the green glass bottles. It is also used to make yellow textiles or cloth. It can also be mixed together with other chemicals to make man-made red rubies. Chromium is also used to create distinctive colors in fireworks.

Harrogate LTD Zambia says chromium is used in a variety of applications that impact the world in everyday life. When chromium is mixed with steel, it makes the steel corrosion-resistant and much harder. Chromium can also be used in making heat-resistant steel, which has lots of strategic military applications.

Chromium is primarily used in and is essential to the process of making stainless steel. Chromium overlaid on aluminum makes stainless steel. Most of the chromium mined each year is used in creating stainless steel applications. Stainless steel appliances, utensils, and some countertops all utilize chromium in them.

Also, it is used to make chrome because it is so shiny. Manufacturers can make objects out of duller metals and then metal plate it or coat it with a layer of chrome to make things shiny, like wheel covers on motorcycles and other motorcycle parts and the bumpers of older American cars. When polished, it is super shiny, like a mirror.

Chromium can also be used in tanning leather and keeping the dye in fabrics so when they are washed, the dyes don’t fade.

Chromium will continue to be an important mineral in the future, as world markets demand for stainless steel remains steady.



Harrogate LTD Zambia

Harrogate Limited is a manganese and chrome ore exporter from Zambia.